Our Services
We serve everyone, but members of SCSF always receive discounts on services!

1Medicare & Social Security Counseling*
People beat a path to our door for our knowledgeable, helpful explainers. We help you explore Medicare and Social Security with confidence. We can untangle seemingly intractable issues, find answers, and help you access online resources.

2New to Medicare
Group public presentations answering your questions are available! We’re just a phone call away.

3Medicare Partners**
For income-eligible Medicare beneficiaries, our Medicare Partners program (formerly “Senior Partners Care”) effectively streamlines charity care at many participating hospitals and clinics statewide. For MP program questions click here.

We coordinate the AARP Foundation and VITA tax services in east central Minnesota to better serve the local demand for no-fee filing of state and federal tax returns.

555+ Safe
Driver Class*
Under Minnesota law, adults age 55+ receive ten percent discount on automobile insurance for taking an accredited mature driver class every three years. We offer the 4-hour refresher most every third Thursday in Mora.

6Notary Public,* Laminating*, and Photocopying*
Available at our Mora office during office hours. Please call ahead.

Secure Document Shredding*
To Combat Identity Theft, We Are A Location Served By Mobile ShredRight Service, Allowing You To Dispose Of Sensitive Papers By Securely Recycling Them Into Toilet Tissue. Our ShredRight Sealable Bags Are A Handy Way To Manage Your Junk Mail, Too, Because They Can Hold Up To Twenty Pounds. Click Here To Get Started.
- *Fee-based with discounts for SCSF members
- **SCSF membership included in MP application fee